On July 25, 2023, the blockchain infrastructure space saw the emergence of Auradine, setting its sights on the ASIC bitcoin mining industry. The company has unveiled its line of mining equipment, dubbed the Teraflux series. These state-of-the-art machines claim to deliver impressive hashrates ranging from 185 terahash per second (TH/s) to a peak of 270 TH/s.
In a recent disclosure, Auradine shared insights into the technical intricacies of its machines. The Teraflux series utilizes a cutting-edge 4-nanometer semiconductor combined with Auradine’s exclusive mining innovation named Energytune. Elaborating on the capabilities of the Energytune solution, the press statement emphasized its ability to allow miners to modify the energy utilization and bitcoin hashrate dynamically. This adaptability is based on the shifting demand requirements of electricity networks. Fred Thiel, the Chief Executive Officer of Marathon, underscored the significance of Teraflux’s contribution to enhancing demand response, emphasizing its pivotal role in Marathon’s expansive mining activities.

Auradine’s Teraflux: A Revolutionary Range of American-Made Bitcoin Mining Devices Reaching Up to 270 TH/s

Designed with a 4-nanometer foundation, Auradine’s ASIC apparatus is all set to challenge the supremacy of the triumvirate in the ASIC mining hardware manufacturing sector: Bitmain, Microbt, and Canaan. Recent revelations have highlighted that Microbt’s premier product, the Whatsminer M56S++, incorporates Samsung’s advanced 3-nanometer Gate-All-Around semiconductor technology. The performance metrics for the M56S++ hover between 230 to 254 TH/s, while its sibling, the Whatsminer M53S++, claims to achieve up to 320 TH/s. For perspective, Bitmain’s flagship model, the S19 XP Hyd, stands with a potential output of about 257 terahash every second.
A detailed overview on Auradine’s digital platform introduces three distinct models of their mining rigs, each catering to different performance needs:
•Their air-cooled variant is capable of churning out 185 TH/s and consumes roughly 22 joules for each terahash.
•The single-phase immersion model boasts of up to 250 TH/s, maintaining an efficiency of 21 joules per terahash.
•On the higher end, the dual-phase immersion edition of Teraflux can push boundaries to produce 270 TH/s, sustaining an energy efficiency metric of 21 joules per terahash.
Rounding off their announcement, Auradine indicated that the initial batch of these advanced systems would reach their premiere clientele during the third quarter. Moreover, a full-fledged production rollout is on the horizon, scheduled to commence in the last quarter of 2023.

Introduction to Auradine Corporation

In the dynamic world of blockchain technology, where evolution is constant and the pace is relentless, some entities rise above the rest, ushering in waves of innovation. Auradine Corporation, a recent entrant, stands as a testament to this spirit of continuous innovation. With its footprints stretching across the broader blockchain infrastructure domain, the company has chosen a niche for itself in the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) bitcoin mining sector, captivating the industry with its impressive Teraflux series.

Origins and Aspirations of Auradine

Founded on the principles of cutting-edge technological development and sustainability, Auradine is a brand synonymous with forward-thinking. With a keen sense of the future, the company recognizes the immense potential and opportunities that lie in the ever-expanding horizons of the blockchain sector. Their commitment to pushing boundaries is evident in their offerings, which blend efficiency with peak performance.
Though relatively new to the scene, Auradine’s vision is clear: to redefine the ASIC bitcoin mining landscape by bringing in devices that are not just powerful but are also built with a sustainable future in mind. Their groundbreaking use of 4-nanometer semiconductors, combined with proprietary technology like Energytune, showcases the firm’s emphasis on efficient energy consumption.

Decoding the Bitcoin Mining Machine Oil Cooling System

Mining bitcoins, while a lucrative endeavor, brings along a unique set of challenges – prime among them being heat dissipation. To ensure that mining operations are efficient and hardware longevity is maintained, cooling systems are indispensable.
Traditional air cooling systems, while effective to a degree, have their limitations. This has led to the exploration and adoption of liquid cooling mechanisms, with oil cooling emerging as a popular choice.
The principle behind oil cooling is fairly straightforward yet highly effective:
1.Submersion: Mining hardware components are submerged in a non-conductive mineral oil. This oil has a high heat capacity and is able to absorb the heat generated by the machines more effectively than air.
2.Heat Dispersion: As the hardware operates and generates heat, the mineral oil absorbs this heat, raising its temperature in the process.
3.External Cooling: The heated oil is then circulated through an external cooling system (like radiators or heat exchangers) where the heat is dissipated.
4.Recirculation: Once cooled, the oil is recirculated back to the mining hardware, and the cycle continues.

SAI’s TANKBOX Cooling System: A Game Changer in Mining Operations

In a market where efficient cooling solutions are in high demand, SAI’s TANKBOX has emerged as a frontrunner. Boasting impressive specifications like a dimension equivalent to a 20ft container, a standard power of 630KW, and compatibility with top-of-the-line miners, TANKBOX is more than just a cooling system; it’s an integrated solution for high-performance mining operations.
Benefits of TANKBOX:
– More efficient heat dissipation
Immersion cooling has a higher heat dissipation capability than the traditional air cooling method.
– More reliable solution
Immersion cooling minimizes common problems such as system overheating and temperature fluctuations during operation. It also omits problems commonly caused by air-cooling like fan failure, noise, dust, corrosion, etc.
– Dynamic performance tuning
With immersive liquid cooling, servers can achieve dynamic performance tuning up to 50%.
– Longer-term layout
Chip heat dissipation per cm² increases as the chip becomes smaller, and immersion cooling is more effective than air-cooling, which responds to chips’ technological development in advance.
– Stronger adaptability
It can operate when temperatures range from -40°F to 122°F and when humidity is 30%RH. So, TANKBOX has a wide range of applications in different scenarios. The features of energy saving and heat-supply function can be better reflected when operating under extreme weather.


Auradine Corporation, with its innovative offerings, is poised to make significant waves in the bitcoin mining sector. As the industry continues to grow and the demands on hardware increase, the importance of efficient cooling solutions like oil cooling systems, epitomized by SAI’s TANKBOX, cannot be overstated. It’s not just about maximizing profits; it’s about building sustainable and efficient mining infrastructures for the future.

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