We are thrilled to invite you to the 2nd Bit Heat Day upcoming this August, hosted by SAI.TECH Global Corporation (Nasdaq: SAI) and Organization of Clean Energy and Climate (“OCEC”), the world’s leading pioneer in sustainable bitverse operation.

2023 Bit Heat Day code

Please note that the event will also be live on YouTube.

Information of 2023 Bit Heat Day

The event will take place from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 9 at 550 Gravel Bank Road, Marietta, OH, 45750.
Let’s witness the magic in Ohio together! Join us as we explore the future of advanced technologies in liquid cooling and computing heat recovery.
2:00- 3:00 p.m. Welcome remark & Keynote speech
The guest lineup of 2023 Bit Heat Day is still strong and familiar. Let’s introduce them:

2023 Bit Heat Day Speaker

Jesse C. Roush – Executive Director of Southeast Ohio Port Authority. His topic is how a merger of historic competencies and high-performance computing in local areas (industrial electricity and agriculture) can support economic growth
Tao Wu – OCEC Director of Computing Heat Recycle Technology Development Center. His topic is the challenges and Future of Computing Heat Recycling.
Marcus McCartney – Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator of Ohio State University. His topic is how agriculture could benefit from computing heat recycling.
Lauren Lin – Director of Business Development of Luxor. His topic is the Hashrate Index: Shining a Light on Bitcoin Mining’s Energy Consumption.
Haotian Li – CTO of Redesign Science. His topic is utilizing computation to find a cure for cancer.
Arthur Lee – CEO of SAI. His topic is the future of the Heat Recycle Center
3:00- 4:00 p.m. The greenhouse and data center tour
SAI will guide you through the local greenhouse to witness plants thriving under the heat supply.
After 4:00 p.m. Tea break & guest networking
Guests will have time to socialize over catering services.

History of Bit Heat Day

Bit Heat Day is in memory of Satoshi’s prediction about Bitcoin heat posted on https://Bitcointalk.org/ on August 9th,2010 – “Bitcoin generation should end up where it’s cheapest. Maybe that will be in cold climates where there’s electric heat, where it would be essentially free.”

Highlights of 2023 Bit Heat Day

At the event, SAI.TECH and OCEC will unveil their exciting plans to establish the groundbreaking Computing Heat Recycle Technology Development Center located in Marietta, Ohio. By leveraging its proprietary liquid cooling and waste heat recovery technologies, SAI.TECH’s Computing Heat Recycle Technology Development Center aims to provide local agricultural greenhouses with heating services by harnessing waste heat exhausted from computing hardware. This initiative underscores SAI’s dedication to empowering the intensive computing industry with sustainability and social responsibility.


Satoshi’s prediction inspired SAI.TECH’s founder and CEO Arthur Lee to establish SAI.TECH. After 12 years, SAI.TECH now has become a leading industry player in reshaping the Bitcoin mining and heating industry with its unique capability that recovers over 90% of waste heat generated from mining chips, with its deep know-how and advanced technologies in liquid cooling.
As a sustainable bitverse operator, SAI is a sustainable BTC & AI Computing Operator headquartered in Singapore. SAI’s vision is to accelerate the transformation to sustainable advanced intelligence. SAI is dedicated to developing world-leading computing and energy technologies, including SAIHEAT – provides a heat recycle computing center with liquid cooling solutions; SAINUC – a zero-carbon energy system based on Affordable Small Modular Reactor; and SAIBIT – provides Bitcoin & AI cloud computing service aiming at making life borderless.
In 2022 Bitcoin Heat Day, Arthur Lee, CEO and Founder of SAI.TECH, introduced the progress of SAI liquid cooling and heat recovery technology and solutions. This meeting also conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the ESG impact of Bitcoin heat recovery.
Arthur Lee, founder, and CEO of SAI.TECH, said: “Bitcoin mining energy consumption has always been a controversial topic. SAI’s mission is to provide innovative technologies and solutions to lead sustainable Bitcoin by integrating the three The future of mining.” With our unique ability to use Bitcoin and Bitcoin heat to promote the progress of traditional industries, with this vision, we look forward to meeting you in New York to share with you the latest developments and analysis of global chips Innovation, discussing how the industry can work together to make a real difference. ”
In addition to offline meetups, SAI.TECH has also organized a series of online discussion groups with key players in the Bitcoin mining industry, stakeholders, academics, and investors to discuss the future of sustainable Bitcoin mining and other Heat recovery potential.
For more information on 2023 Bit Heat Day panels, please follow the Bit Heat Day featured Twitter account:@Bitcoinheatday and SAI’s official account: @SAI2TECH.

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